A Simply exquisite Unheated 1.01ct Burma Ruby from the famed gem mines of Mogok in Burma (Myanmar). The colour of this magnificent gemstone is a purplish red, appearing more red-purple indoors and more vivid reddish purple in sunlight, absolutely beautiful and absolutely typically Burmese. Bear in mind that the light in Chicago, as an example, may not be so bright this time of year! At this low price point the stone is inevitably included, but overall clarity is very good for the gem genre, and the stone is transparent and not opaque. Note however that we are using a macro lens and these inclusions are barely visible with the naked eye. Overall transparency is excellent- this is absolutely not an opaque gem. Cutting is good and there is only minimal windowing in the gem, though the stone is on the deep side. Lustre and brilliancy are both wonderful, and this is an extremely vibrant gem indeed. The stone comes complete with a brand new c